Tending Ancient Paths
Tending Ancient Paths
Tending Ancient Paths Fort Wayne exists to teach, mentor, lead, and write about the Paradigms, Posture, and Practices of Jesus with the goodness of God as our highest object and our hearts as His target.
TAP Fort Wayne is led by Ben and Denise Bouwers, they also give leadership to Praise International Church in downtown Fort Wayne.
Read our latest Newsletter here.
Purchase a copy of Denise’s book ‘Awakening the Song of the Heart’ here.
TAP Fort Wayne runs completely on faith support - you may make a donation through Paypal here.
With Anna (Luke 2:36-38) as an example of a lifestyle given to worship and prayer "...a widow to the age of eighty four. She never left the temple, serving night and day with fastings and prayers."
And Luke 18:1 as our invitation, "then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up." We are given not to establish prayer events but rather a simple unchanging goal- United and Sustained Prayer.
Since 2004 and, as the Lord allows, for years to come we host weekly City Wide Prayer gatherings with One goal:
Matthew 6:10 'Your Kingdom Come - Your Will be Done on earth as it is Heaven".
Weekly Prayer Gatherings:
Thursday Mornings 6 am - in the prayer chapel at 1400 W. Washington Center Road, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
With Pastors by invitation.
TAP Fort Wayne has had the opportunity to both serve and speak into the life of the Church in the region;
click here to hear current messages on the best news ever blog or the best news ever podcast
click here to hear older Messages from Ben or here for Messages from Denise
Edgewood was designed for the purpose of retreat and renewal learn more about the Cabin here.
Edgewood is a Ministry of TAP Fort Wayne.
Tending Ancient Paths Fort Wayne
5907 W. Wallen Rd
Fort Wayne, IN46818
Email: ben@bouwersfam.com